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SEO and Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

SEO and Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution | Content marketing automation |

It’s amazing how Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution has similarities with the growth of SEO over the years. Let’s take a look at how these two are interlinked.

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

Just like for animal species, adaptability is key when it comes to SEO. It's not about being the strongest nor the smartest: it's survival of the fittest.

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Scooped by Guillaume Decugis!

Content Marketing in 2014 | Social Media Today

Content Marketing in 2014 | Social Media Today | Content marketing automation |

The following infographic from Uberflip gives a concise view of what the trends will be like in content marketing in 2014.

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

Good recap of the latest content marketing trends and what to expect for 2014. The key point to me is that with Google algorithm changes and social media being so important now, the pressure to publish quality content has never been stronger.

The question is then: how will you be able to publish that much content?

As the infographic highlights, content curation will play an even bigger role in 2014 as it helps address that question while delivering great value to an audience otherwise drowning in content.

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Scooped by Guillaume Decugis!

5 B2B Marketing Trends To Watch In 2014 - Business 2 Community

5 B2B Marketing Trends To Watch In 2014 - Business 2 Community | Content marketing automation |
In B2B marketing, 2013 was the year of content marketing, social media and marketing automation among other things. In 2014, we predict a continuation of these trends—along with some new trends and philosophical shifts that will make an impact.
Guillaume Decugis's insight:
The predictions for 2014 have started! Of course we're going to have plenty of those and they're not always worth the time but this post by Tim Asimos has some interesting insights in particular in the role of keywords vs content when it comes to optimizing SEO and social media. This is not about keyword anymore but about meaning.
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Scooped by Guillaume Decugis!

How often should you blog? The ultimate answer.

How often should you blog? The ultimate answer. | Content marketing automation |
Bloggers and businesses who want to blog have been asking the question, "how often should I blog?" for years.
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

A very interesting study by HubSpot over 7,000 businesses and corporation is analyzed in this post by @Mike Allton.

His conclusion? 

"Businesses that blog nearly every day see dramatic increases in both traffic and leads"

So the question now is: how do you do that?

This is not about gaming Google with cheap content or old-fashioned backlinking tactics. You need quality content that is targeted to your audience which is precisely where topic-centric publishing-by-curation can help. And here's an interesting study on how effective this can be. 

While good curation can nicely complement your own content, there's no reason to give up on creation. You can also streamline it thanks to other #leancontent techniques such as this one or that one.

So are you ready to generate leads? How often do you think you can blog now? 

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Scooped by Guillaume Decugis!

How to Convince Your CEO to Give You A Content Marketing Budget

How to Convince Your CEO to Give You A Content Marketing Budget | Content marketing automation |

Whether you're the marketing manager of a launching startup or the VP of Sales at an enterprise firm that's trying to generate new leads for a flagging product,...

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

This is a good way to look at the strategic reasons to engage in content marketing. From my point of view, there are 2 points that I would insist on:

1. Can your company afford not to be found through search? Beyond traffic, this is a question of branding and credibility. And content is the best way to get SEO benefits.

2. Use content curation - which doesn't require any content budget - to prove the point and deliver some initial results. Showing you already have traction by curating other people's content will make it easier to get that budget and will also teach you where to invest your own content creation efforts. 

Andrew Federici's curator insight, November 1, 2013 1:57 AM

Some good tips on getting buy-in for your enterprise content marketing strategy.  It's so important and yet still so misunderstood.  Has anyone run into trouble convincing senior management to puruse content marketing?  Please share you story!

Rescooped by Guillaume Decugis from SEO and Social Media Marketing!

How Social Media Supports SEO

How Social Media Supports SEO | Content marketing automation |

When content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media optimization (SMO), are working together, amazing things happen to your website traffic, analytics, social media reach, engagement and ultimately your ROI.

Via Antonino Militello
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

Nice visualization of the way social media reinforces SEO. The key takeaway is that it starts by publishing quality content: not necesseraily by creating it - curating it works too - and the main point is to have it shared and liked by a growing community of like-minded people who care about the same interest enough to curate it themselves and share it.

2DiFore Marketing Solutions's curator insight, November 21, 2013 8:34 AM

When asked "what is the ROI" in implementing a Social Media campaign, this visual is the answer!

Viral Buzz UK's curator insight, January 6, 2014 4:17 PM

Social media drives traffic and helps seo efforts

Bill Gassett's curator insight, January 29, 2014 6:59 PM

How social media and SEO can work together for the best of both worlds.

Scooped by Guillaume Decugis!

Effective Content Marketing for SME's

Effective Content Marketing for SME's | Content marketing automation |
The current buzz-phrase of choice in the world of content marketing is ‘content is king’. Whilst the sentiment is admirable I prefer to use the phrase ‘quality content is king’.
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

And that's the challenge: quality.

Because of information overload, because of the new SEO rules, content marketing won't work without quality content.  And as Tori Smith points out, quality is not even enough: quantity matters too to be consistent. As she puts it: "it’s not good enough to sit down on a Tuesday and think ‘what am I going to blog about this week?’"

So how do you deliver consistent quality content all the time? 

One answer is to leverage content curation publishing and come out with a mix of curated and created content that does not compromise on quality while still letting you publish consistenly the content you need to raise above the noise. And to the right audience.

António Duarte's curator insight, November 8, 2013 5:36 PM

Os 4C´s da criação


"Create / Commotion / Compel / Consistency"


Como planear uma campanha de marketing eficaz


Scooped by Guillaume Decugis!

How Content Marketing Changes Social Conversations

How Content Marketing Changes Social Conversations | Content marketing automation |

When I started with social media I was a little taken aback by some of the contact requests I received, as they to me seemed totally lacking any sense. (...) After a few weeks of content marketing (...), I started getting messages like these “I really love your posts on content marketing and social media for businesses and would like to connect to you to get informed when you post something new.”

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

I'm sure a lot of us will connect with that story from Susanna Gebauer. While Facebook has always been clear to me and I understood the value of LinkedIn for keeping track of your business relationships, I was taken aback initially when total strangers wanted to connect with me and also wondered why people would want to follow me on Twitter. These questions were actually the ones that led us to create because we felt sharing great content on your area of expertise or the domain of your brand totally changes the nature of your social conversations.

From awkward discussions about the weather with strangers, content marketing makes us move to passionate conversations on common interests with these now familiar faces.

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Scooped by Guillaume Decugis!

Future of SEO in a Social Content World

SEO is beyond keywords and links. Here are future trends for the role of SEO that focuses on a customer centric, integrated marketing approach. By Lee Odden.

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

While some SEO consultants are stuck in the old days of tactical backlinking, Lee Odden is one of the first who recognized the times had changed. In this new world, SEO is very different:

- first because social networks provided additional discovery experience for consumers who were not stuck with Google anymore but could ask their friends;

- second because Google itself changed its algorithms to include social signals in the rankings.

The solution? Good integrated content marketing that provides an integrated experience all throughg the customer discovery process. 

9Dotstrategies's curator insight, November 19, 2013 12:37 AM

The Future of SEO in a Social Content World...

Mohammed ALAMI's curator insight, January 10, 2014 9:17 AM

Even Content for marketing should be SEOed

Neil Ferree's curator insight, January 10, 2014 10:16 AM

Links & Words Matter (but) Social Shares is the New SEO

Scooped by Guillaume Decugis!

The Real Truth Behind The 80-20 Rule of Content Marketing - Heidi Cohen

The Real Truth Behind The 80-20 Rule of Content Marketing - Heidi Cohen | Content marketing automation |
Want the REAL truth behind 80-20 rule of content marketing? Read Derek Halperin, Mark Schaefer, Jay Baer & Sander Biehn's input. With 7 content tips.
Guillaume Decugis's insight:
Some say that as a content marketer you should allocate your time 20% on creation and 80% on distribution. Is that really so? What are the best practices on that point?
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Scooped by Guillaume Decugis!

Using Social Media To Boost SEO - Business 2 Community

Using Social Media To Boost SEO - Business 2 Community | Content marketing automation |

Google’s Penguin algorithm update was designed to allow the Google search engine to tell good websites apart from poor quality ones.

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

Some concrete practical tips by Kurt Smith on how to improve your content distribution through social channels to improve your search rankings and traffic.

He doesn't quote Quora when suggesting to answer "questions [readers have] can be a great way to finding interesting ideas to write about" but I would add this to the list to get inspiration for your curated or created content.

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Scooped by Guillaume Decugis!

Keeping Up with Google's Insane Pace of Change

Rand Fishkin's presentation on how marketers can scale with the updates and shifts Google makes on a regular basis, and how to be successful with SEO in 2013.
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

SEO used to be tactical; it became strategic.

As Moz Rand Fishkin advises in this awesome slideshare, you're probably better off with content marketers understanding SEO's than SEO practitioneers stuck 5 years ago on tactical tricks such as massive backlinking. 

So what can you do in such a context? Fishkin gives 3 strategic advice and 3 tactical ones which are worth looking at.

But he also makes an observation that I'd like to elaborate on: the bar has raised for content quality. While good content used to get good traffic, you now need awesome content to raise above the noise. For content marketers, this means that producing all of that great awesome content is very unlikely. Using strategies like content curation, recruiting guest writers for your blog and other #leancontent best practices becomes a must.

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Scooped by Guillaume Decugis!

What Pew’s Creators and Curators Study Means for Content Marketers

What Pew’s Creators and Curators Study Means for Content Marketers | Content marketing automation |
Pew released a study about Creation, Curation, Instagram, and Snapchat yesterday which reviewed the online behavior of 1,000 sampled adults.
Guillaume Decugis's insight:
The big lesson here is that content curators is essential for content marketers.
Guillaume Decugis's curator insight, October 29, 2013 11:19 PM

Interesting to see the role of content curators starts to be measured in studies like this.

I like the conclusion this article highlights about adapting content to the platform but I'll go further : adapt it to curators and show them what's in it for them. Info graphics and survey results are a great example as they let content curators draw their own conclusions... like this article actually shows. 

malek's curator insight, October 30, 2013 8:38 AM

Imagine this Venn digram

-54% of the sample are content creators.

-52% are curators

-40% create and curate

The overlap is an explosion in curation role, helped by the eruption in visual content curation

Neil Ferree's curator insight, October 31, 2013 11:22 AM

This helps answer the question: Why is Social Marketing Important?

Scooped by Marc Rougier!

The Death of SEO

The Death of SEO | Content marketing automation |
Marc Rougier's insight:

SEO is dead! Long live Content Marketing.

BLUE MED EVENTS's curator insight, December 17, 2013 1:56 PM

#marketing #événementiel #streetmarketing #events

Rui Zuzarte's curator insight, December 18, 2013 4:57 AM

SEO is like a Zombie with atittude....not even a shot in head will kill it!!

Scooped by Guillaume Decugis!

Content Marketing in 2014: What You Need to Know

Content Marketing in 2014: What You Need to Know | Content marketing automation |
To keep up with the many changes like search engine updates and content marketing best practices, here we take a look at how content marketing has changed over the past five years and what you can expect in the next few to come.
Guillaume Decugis's insight:
Content Marketing has changed communication but Content Marketing itself has changed a lot. With social signals being blended with search results, this is a good recap if what should drive your content strategy in 2014. Pieces of advice which I'd like to build on include:- create for humans: humans (not robots) will or won't share your content, which in turn will impact search results. - share other people's content: it can not be only about you and you need to be a part of the conversation - not delivering a monologue.
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Rescooped by Guillaume Decugis from SEO and Social Media Marketing!

Social Signals Can Enhance Your SEO Campaign

Social Signals Can Enhance Your SEO Campaign | Content marketing automation |

Traditional search engine optimization consists of on page optimization tactics, content, keywords, and links to determine your organic rankings, but now that Google is using social signals as a ranking factor, why should you only focus on traditional SEO methods? You shouldn’t.

Via Antonino Militello
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

Interesting details - including the Agent Rank patent by Google - on how social signals can help your SEO far more than outdated SEO techniques such as massive back linking. 

Ali Anani's curator insight, November 26, 2013 12:24 AM

The flow of social signals has unstoppable impact on businesses and their marketing efforts

Randi Thompson's curator insight, November 26, 2013 10:47 AM

You might not know this yet, but social media and the posts you are sharing there... is now the best way to get listed on the top of the search results when people are looking for what you have to offer.  

Two Pens's curator insight, December 2, 2013 3:25 PM

We wrote about this 18 mo. ago, but hey, the news about social signals is still relevant. 

Scooped by Guillaume Decugis!

Why Content Curation Is Disruptive

Why Content Curation Is Disruptive | Content marketing automation |

The power of curation’s feedback loops is why to curate more than you create AND why the best ratio may be as high as 90% curation to 10% creation.

by @Martin (Marty) Smith on @ janlgordon's

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

@Martin (Marty) Smith gives a very detailed explanation of why he thinks content curation is disrupting the "100% content creation" rule of content strategists. Though some still debate whether content curation really helps SEO, social media engagement and traffic, Marty shares interesting numbers as well as his best practices for achieving results as a content marketer. 

"Content is the new SEO" he writes and hea adds: "When everyone is doing something as complicated as content marketing quality goes down."

Therefore, he concludes, you shouldn't try to win that race by hitting the content creation wall but by even considering a provocative 90% / 10% mix in favor of content curation.

What's your right mix of content creation vs content curation?

David Bennett's comment, November 20, 2013 6:48 AM
This sounds like a rewording of 'Succeeding with a product is 20% production and 80% marketing'
A/Prof Jon Willis's curator insight, November 20, 2013 6:23 PM

This is really interesting stuff, particularly because of the potential it offers to measure impact of Scoops. I would be interested to read what a philosopher or education theorist would make of his idea of disruption, in terms of either Deleuzian theory, or Flow theory.

Lori Wilk's curator insight, November 22, 2013 1:44 PM

This is so true. I often get immediate support and responses to content I have curated #curation#socialmedia

Rescooped by Guillaume Decugis from Lean content marketing!

Vastly improving Your Content Marketing (With Lean Content Techniques)

Vastly improving Your Content Marketing (With Lean Content Techniques) | Content marketing automation |

It is also important that you don’t discount the value of content curation in this situation. You can take valuable content and test it out with your audience without too much effort at all. That doesn’t mean that you don’t have to come up with original content as well. You can share a combination of the two.

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

We're a big fan of the idea of lean content for any type of content strategies - including of course content marketing. The idea that you have to plan and budget everything for 6 or 12 months, come out with a hit/miss perfect solution without any possibility of ongoing improvement is just dated in a worls of rapid changes and social media. Among these lean content techniques, content curation plays an important roles - in particular when taregting a new audience or covering a new topic as Carolyn Cohn mentions in this post.

Guillaume Decugis's curator insight, November 13, 2013 1:59 PM

It's great to see the idea of Lean Content spread over the Web in general and to content marketers in particular.

Carolyn Cohn lists a number of practices and techniques to iterate on your content strategy and make it lean. Going through cycles of iteration helps identify the valuable stuff, the pain points and the ROI. Among this techniques, she mentions content curation as a good way to get started and we couldn't agree more: before making an investment to create massive amount of content on a certain area, a pragmatic design-to-cost approach can be to curate content and see what resonates with your target audience. 

Scooped by Guillaume Decugis!

What is Edgerank? Understanding Facebook’s Newsfeed Algorithm | CircleClick

What is Edgerank? Understanding Facebook’s Newsfeed Algorithm | CircleClick | Content marketing automation |

Overall Edgerank does a great job in measuring interest. This ensure brands and businesses will place importance on producing quality content, and why marketers still live by the phrase, “content is king”.

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

Insightful explanations on how Facebook algorithm - Edgerank - works. The interesting parallel is that both the algorithms of Facebook and Google - the two companies that dominate content discovery - are looking at the same thing now: content quality. Not only that: the way they mesaure quality is increasingly by looking at how other human beings reacted to it.

Good shareable content is now the key to be discovered. 

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Scooped by Guillaume Decugis!

How much is twitter worth (to small businesses)?

How much is twitter worth (to small businesses)? | Content marketing automation |

Today the third major social network is becoming a public company. As with all major IPO’s, we will read a lot of diverse and conflicting opinions on its valuation: to some Twitter will be an overpriced money-losing startup, to others it will be the next major player of the Web and undervalued.

To add a data point to the debate, the team decided to study the value of social networks to small and mid-size businesses.

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

With Twitter poised to have financial stability through its successful IPO, the landscape of online marketing is considerably changed for the long term. From a Google Search dominated world where keywords were the only way to be found, businesses of all size have now a lot more options - forcing even Google to change their search algorithms. 

Guillaume Decugis's curator insight, November 7, 2013 2:49 PM

According to small and mid-size businesses engaged in content curation: a lot!

The Fish Firm's curator insight, November 7, 2013 5:14 PM

Great job on this infographic!

Paul Squirrell's curator insight, November 8, 2013 3:56 AM

Twitter's IPO has caused much debate, but for advertisers and their agencies the company's future direction is important.  Despite it's healthly IPO share price, Twitter is yet to make a profit.  Like Facebook  the media all talk about the revenue potential which is likely to come from advertising, but unlike Facebook, I feel this is a platform less suited to commercial communications given that Twitter's virtual environment is far less rich and that it is more about the words (micro-blogs), than images.  


Of course, the wonderful thing about advertising is that, it normally finds a way through... so lets see.

Scooped by Guillaume Decugis!

Confidence Boost: Marketers Get More Savvy With Content Marketing [Infographic]

Confidence Boost: Marketers Get More Savvy With Content Marketing [Infographic] | Content marketing automation |
Marketing Strategy - Business-to-business (B2B) marketers are growing more confident in their content marketing, according to a recent report published by MarketingProfs and the Content Marketing Institute.
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

Nice infographic based on the recent study by Marketing Profs and the Content Marketing Institute. Content Marketing is maturing and the two leading tactics appear to be social media and content curation.

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Scooped by Guillaume Decugis!

The Rise of Content Marketing

The Rise of Content Marketing | Content marketing automation |
Content marketing is on a rapid rise in popularity owing to its effectiveness. Find out the highlights of the rise of content marketing in this infographic.
Guillaume Decugis's insight:
Nothing new but some interesting data points on content marketing.
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Scooped by Guillaume Decugis!

Becoming a Brand Journalist | Social Media Today

Becoming a Brand Journalist | Social Media Today | Content marketing automation |

As Bill Calder, managing editor of Intel Free Press put it, “don’t think ‘product message’ think ‘compelling story.’”

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

An article by @Ally Greer on SocialMedia Today. She makes an interesting point worth debating: "Brand journalism isn’t content marketing"


But isn't it that good content marketing should actually be looking towards journalism for inspiration and best practices? 

Yes, we need content that's simply educational or informative. But the more we can turn these into compelling stories, the better.

Right @Ally Greer ?

Ally Greer's comment, November 1, 2013 6:50 PM
Of course. What I meant by that statement was that brand journalism is different than what we imagine to be traditional content marketing. Just because your'e writing "market-y" content and publishing it on your blog, likely with the goal of conversions and sales, doesn't mean you are a brand journalist. <br><br>Brand journalism is undoubtedly a part of content marketing, and your marketing should now be moving in this direction.
Scooped by Guillaume Decugis!

Using to build traffic to your website. My #1 referral

Using to build traffic to your website. My #1 referral | Content marketing automation |
Build traffic to your website using As I'm working on the new Marketing 101 course (sign up link) I wanted to share a couple of Google analytics screen shot.
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

Great case study by Brian Yanish on the impact of on his blog - Marketing Hits - which helps B2B Marketers with their Content Marketing and Social Media strategy. 

Lori Wilk's curator insight, October 31, 2013 9:59 AM

As I learn more about curation I am appreciating the tools you make possible to expand my reach

Sandra Przibilla GAICD : AFAIM's curator insight, October 31, 2013 4:31 PM

Always investigating ways to engage and measure

Suggested by Ally Greer!

How To Incorporate Content Curation into Your Content Marketing Strategy

How To Incorporate Content Curation into Your Content Marketing Strategy | Content marketing automation |

Content curation is a great way to supplement your original blog content. Incorporate it into your Content Marketing Strategy and you’re definitely heading in the right direction - Gary Hyman.

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

Nice recap by @Gary Hyman of why and how to improve your content marketing impact by leveraging content curation including interesting points of what content curation specifically does for:

- social media engagement


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