There Is No "United States" - JosephThomas/BlackHorseMedia | Education in a Multicultural Society |

Numero Uno, the United States of America have never been united, even before the War Between The States; commonly known as the Civil War. The original thirteen British colonies were composed of Puritans, Quakers, Methodists, Baptists, and Anglicans.  In Europe, these cults all fought each other in “religious” wars. Just rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it, “religious wars?”  The perfect example of an oxymoron.  


The most eye-opening thing in my travel abroad is to find out how the USA is perceived, or I should say misperceived. Most Euros and Asians think of the USA as some monolithic culture; sort of a cross between a Rap video and the television program Friends, and that everywhere looks like Los Angeles. Part of the reason for this is that most people are from countries smaller than the state of Texas. So they are quite surprised when I inform them that folks in Cali and Texas and New York are not only not alike, but they despise each other. “Despise” may be too strong a word; “hate” is probably more accurate. 


The United States of America has operated the most successful propaganda operation in the history of the world. Among other untruths, it has convinced the world that it won WWII, is a Democracy, and that all of it’s citizens are wealthy, educated, and in good health (except for those lazy blacks). Many people also believe that the USA is an independent actor on the world stage, starting wars and overthrowing regimes whenever and wherever it wants to. 


But upon further review, the Endless Wars are all in former British, French, German, Belgian, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, or Portuguese colonies in Africa, Asia, and The Americas. After wresting Cuba and the Philippines away from Spain in 1898, the U.S.A. has mostly been engaged in conflicts to further European interests. That includes both World Wars. World Wars. I can hardly fix my mouth to say it. How can any culture that started two World Wars believe it self to be “superior?” But I digress…..


Nation states are a thing of the past, except for archaic entities like Monaco or Saudi Arabia. Wouldn’t surprise me if the Saudi Kingdom s broken apart one day; too big, too rich, too archaic, and especially too corrupt, even for these times. But the banks are trans-national; and the next wars will be over whose currency has value and whose doesn’t. Hopefully not “hot’ wars, but humans are so stupid it would be wise to be prepared for the worst outcome. 


Wait, where was I. Oh, the “United States.” Well, the good ol’ U.S. of A. is just the latest extension of the Holy Roman Empire. I mean, we have “Senators” and “Republicans” for crying’ out loud, and Imperial pomp-and-circumstance for every trivial occasion. “Congress” fiddles while the country burns, is flooded, polluted, despoiled, and sold to the highest bidder. We have the distinction of having entire libraries full of law books for the most lawless nation in the history of the world. 


Black ops, false flags, torture, war crimes, regime change, naked aggression; And all “the people” have to talk about is Game of Thrones. While the Great Game plays out in our declining standard of living, increased surveillance, and increased danger from terrorism due to our Endless Wars. Every measure taken by “the government” that they claim is to make us safer in fact accomplishes just the opposite.


What’s the difference between Europe and “America?” Nothing, aside from the fact that each continent thinks the other talks funny. Americans and Europeans share the same bad taste in the arts, fashion, and architecture. MacDonalds hamburgers, the world standard of fast food is not “American” at all; hamburgers are German and French  fries are Belgian, or so I’m told (by Belgians). Pizza is Italian. Fried chicken is universal; many countries have no real beef industry, but some version of KFC or a street vendor selling fried chicken will be in any country you visit. 


The Americas and Europe both have the exact same types of highly refined and processed foods in their supermarkets and refrigerators, full of sugar in all of it’s disguises, salt, “natural” flavors (?), and preservatives. The closest you will get Real American food is from food from South Of The Border: Mexico and Central America. Most South American food I have tries to distance itself from anything “Indio,” and more closely resembles a European plate. That is to say, a big ‘ol chunk of meat, some potatoes (maybe rice or pasta, but probably potato) and a token smear or speck or maybe even a whole sprig of some vegetive matter that probably will not be eaten. 


Both cultures have a huge problem with addiction to sugar and sugar in its simple form; alcohol. Also caffeine, tobacco, and prescription drugs. The number of “junkies” and meth/crack heads is negligible, but of course gets all the press. Even if marijuana is addictive, nobody gets stoned and then beats their spouse. Psychedelics are not addictive, and again, the number of users is infinitesimal compared to day-drinking dry drunks; many of whom right now are making decisions that affect your life. 


Both Europe and the USA must face up to the fact that they are two peas in a pod. U.S. foreign policy is NATO foreign policy, and vice-versa. Money spent at WalMart ends up in the bank of England. As do your tax-dollars. America’s endless wars are Europe’s desperate attempt to hold onto the resources of their former colonies. 


The “European” part of Eurasia is exhausted; all the natural resources are gone. The (over) developed, “industrialized” countries in Europe are also bereft of any original ideas. So for now it’s Endless Wars to hold onto mineral resources; otherwise they will have to buy them from Arch-Enemies Russia and China. So far, only Germany (thankfully) seems to have accepted this reality.


It's not the Apache or Maya or Quechua who are bombing weddings and funerals in at least seven countries. These are the real "Americans." The people generally referred to as "Americans" are in fact European refugees, immigrants, and settlers; i.e. "colonists." USA - Great Britain? Two peas in a pod. USA - NATO? Same-same.


“American” Imperialism/European Colonialism? No difference. American and European ethics, morality, religion, economic philosophy, respect for life, warmongering, consumer culture, environmental policies (or lack thereof), pop culture? Show me the money. It’s The End Of The World As We Know It, and I’m little uneasy…..


©2019 Joseph Thomas/BlackHorseMedia

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