Review of "'Is everyone really equal?': An introduction to key concepts in social justice education" (29 Apr 2018, TC Record) | Education in a Multicultural Society |

Özlem Sensoy and Robin DiAngelo take on an important yet challenging task in Is Everyone Really Equal?: An Introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice Education (2nd edition): providing a primer that strives to balance complexity and accessibility in critical social justice education for a broad audience. Part of James A. Banks’ Multicultural Education Series, the book’s foreword, preface, prologue, twelve chapters, and glossary cover a great deal of ground in promoting “social justice literacy” with chapters combining theoretical explanations of and practical engagement with concepts ranging from culture and socialization to oppression and power to racism, classism, and ableism. Consequently, faculty who teach undergraduate courses related to social justice, multicultural education, and educational foundations in particular will find 'Is Everyone Really Equal?' relevant to their work.