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The NPC became part of NICE in April 2011.


During this transition period some change has been necessary to best align the work of the NPC with the NICE portfolio. This has included, revising the production processes for the development of future outputs so that they are easily identifiable as NICE products and also continue to be recognised and valued by our existing audience.


From 15th May 2012, the team delivering the work of the NPC will form the NICE Medicines and Prescribing Centre and will sit alongside the Clinical Guidelines team within the Centre for Clinical Practice. The primary objective of the Medicines and Prescribing Centre will continue to be the provision of support for those using medicines across the NHS, including information on medicines, prescribing advice, training and education, governance and decision-making. All future Medicines and prescribing outputs will be published on the NICE website and signposted from the Medicines and prescribing homepage.


Although no new Medicines and prescribing content will be published to the NPC legacy website, the extensive catalogue of existing publications, resources and e-learning materials will still be available to view and download for as long as the information contained within them remains accurate and up-to-date.

Feedback and enquiries can be sent to nice@nice.org.uk


New NICE web page:
