AI Is Revolutionizing the Relationship Between Companies and Their Customers | Innovation - what's all the fuss ? |
Narrow artificial intelligence (AI) is fundamentally changing the approaches, methods, and results of customer management, triggering a renaissance in companies’ relationships with their clients in almost every sector and revealing previously unimaginable opportunities. Narrow AIs are versed in doing one task well; this is the only AI that has been created by humans so far.

The first sector it is being put to use in is customer relationship management (CRM) — the aspect of a company that aims to optimize a business’s relationship with their customers in order to maximize retention rates. AI can analyze data at a rate humans cannot match, giving an understanding that was only possible with huge amounts of manpower before. A prime example is Salesforce Einstein, which studies the data from sales, e-commerce activity, emails, Internet of Things-generated data and social media to make company specific recommendations.

Via John Evans