Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues
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Work Motivation in Just 12 Steps

Work Motivation in Just 12 Steps | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

No matter how much you love your job, there are times when your work motivation is just going to bottom out. There can be any number of reasons for this but the important thing is that it does happen to everyone at some stage. If you follow the simple tips I’m sharing here, you can regain your motivation and achieve a new sense of drive that you’ve been sorely missing:

1. Be Honest With Yourself
Admit that you’re lacking motivation and that you need to do something about it. Honesty is always, always the best policy...

Via Martin Gysler
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Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues
This is an online magazine by Bovee & Thill, authors of the leading textbooks in business communication and business writing, published by Pearson, featuring resources about teaching business communication and workplace issues. For more information about Bovee & Thill texts and the exclusive, superior coverage they give to workplace issues, visit their blog: http://blog.businesscommuniationnetwork.com. For instructor examination copies, go to http://blog.businesscommunicationnetwork.com/texts. To find your local sales representative, go to http://www.pearsonhighered.com/educator/replocator. To contact the authors, use this form: https://businesscommunicationnetwork.com/contact-us/. To get a free Comprehensive Guide to Business Communication Instructional Resources, visit http://blog.businesscommunicationnetwork.com/resources. Subscribe to a free weekly newsletter of new posts to all 11 of Bovee & Thill's Online Magazines: http://sco.lt/8kgeVV.
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9 Trends That Will Shape Work in the Years to Come

9 Trends That Will Shape Work in the Years to Come | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it
Last year was another tumultuous year in the workplace, with continued high employee turnover rates, evolving return-to-office policies, inflation, and more. In 2023, amid a looming economic downturn, organizations will continue to face significant challenges — and how they respond could determine whether they are an employer of choice. Several authors from Gartner’s HR practice predict nine trends that organizations will have to confront this year.
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What is "Task Paralysis" -- and How to Overcome It

What is "Task Paralysis" -- and How to Overcome It | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it
Your brain can see your to-do list as a threat. Here’s how to get things done anyway.
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The Hottest Office Trends That Millennials Love

The Hottest Office Trends That Millennials Love | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it
Some hot trends include sustainability programs, gender-inclusive bathrooms — and the return of corporate retreats.
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Teaching Tips: How to Explain Anything to Anyone: 4 Steps to Clearer Communication

Teaching Tips: How to Explain Anything to Anyone: 4 Steps to Clearer Communication | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

You’ve probably seen people’s eyes glaze over when you were talking about a complex topic, and you’ve done the same thing yourself. But that doesn’t mean some things are just too confusing to convey."

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6 Habits of Mentally Strong People That You Should Adopt Today

6 Habits of Mentally Strong People That You Should Adopt Today | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it
Like physical strength, mental strength requires consistent practice to maintain. You can start with gratitude and self-care.
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Research Reveals a Surprising Solution for Anxiety

Research Reveals a Surprising Solution for Anxiety | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

"Highly anxious people have more trouble deciding how best to handle life’s uncertainties. They may even catastrophize, interpreting, say, a workplace change as a career threat."

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U.S. States with the Lowest College Graduation Rates: How Does Your State Rank?

U.S. States with the Lowest College Graduation Rates: How Does Your State Rank? | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it
Using data from the Department of Education, we found a weighted average of graduation rates for colleges and universities located in each state.
Joe Aloha's curator insight, June 11, 2019 3:37 PM
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12 Ways to Make Yourself Proud

12 Ways to Make Yourself Proud | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

Make yourself proud. Give everything 110%. It’s the extra 10% that everyone remembers. Here are 12 things that you can do, today, to make yourself proud."

Via Gust MEES

27 Productivity Killers: Why Nothing Ever Gets Done!

27 Productivity Killers: Why Nothing Ever Gets Done! | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

"There is always more to do than time in which to do it. And the more you take on, the more there is to do. You finish one task and six more pop out of nowhere."

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18 of the Coolest Office Spaces Around the World

18 of the Coolest Office Spaces Around the World | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

"Our homes are tricked out with comfortable furniture, stylish decor, and the latest technology — shouldn't our work spaces be equally lavish?"

Bovee & Thill's Online Business Communication Magazines's insight:


"From the indoor lawns at Japanese ad agency TBWA to the bright blue slide at footwear company Toms, the coolest office spaces around the world understand that a well-designed workplace can impact people's happiness just as much as where they live." . . .

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4 Trends in Workplace Communication

4 Trends in Workplace Communication | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

Flexible hours, the ability to work remotely and more time off will motivate employees to work harder in 2015. But there’s another motivator on this list you might not expect: better communication."

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5 Motivation-Killing Thoughts You Need to Quit Thinking

5 Motivation-Killing Thoughts You Need to Quit Thinking | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it
Ditch these self-defeating mantras.
Bovee & Thill's Online Business Communication Magazines's insight:

" . . .because although you and I might never come up with the Next Big Thing, we can decide to think and believe differently than most other people — and in the process, achieve differently than most other people.

"That process starts with letting go of things many people believe:" . . .

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Are You Going to Adopt a Modern "Essentials" Textbook?

Are you going to adopt a modern “Essentials” textbook with extensive integration of mobile communication in every chapter, or are you going to saddle your students with a commonly adopted “Essentials” text that is stuck in the last decade?

Bovee & Thill's Online Magazines for Business Communication's insight:

Because of complacency and a lack of knowledge about the topic, most business communication textbook authors are ignoring the mobile revolution. In fact, they’re pretending that it doesn’t even exist.

In light of these facts, are your students being served well? There is one team that’s always on the cutting edge: Bovee and Thill. The fact they are the only business communication textbook authors currently writing about mobile tells you everything you need to know about which author team conscientiously revises its books and keeps them current. (Bovee and Thill were also the first authors to discuss social media and digital communication in their texts.)

Adopt the only modern "Essentials" text: Business Communications Essentials by Bovee and Thill.

See how your text compares to Business Communication Essentials with this interactive checklist.

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What We Know About the Effects of Remote Work

What We Know About the Effects of Remote Work | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it
Three years into a mass workplace experiment, we are beginning to understand more about how work from home is reshaping workers’ lives and the economy.
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Order Examination Copies of Bovee & Thill Textbooks

Order Examination Copies of Bovee & Thill Textbooks | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

Bovee and Thill are the recognized leaders in the field of digital communication, social media, and technology--including mobile communication and artificial intelligence, and were the first authors to cover these topics. They continue to be far ahead of all other texts with heir cutting-edge coverage.


The Three Essential Topics That Today's Business Communication Course Must Address


Video: The New World of Business Communication


Visit this page today to conveniently order examination copies of Bovee and Thill business communication textbooks.


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If You Don’t Stop Doing These Things, You’ll Waste the Rest of Your Life

If You Don’t Stop Doing These Things, You’ll Waste the Rest of Your Life | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it
Discover what things you need to stop wasting your time on.
Bovee & Thill's Online Business Communication Magazines's insight:

"The modern world is fast paced and time often seems to slip by with us barely noticing. It’s for that reason that it’s important that we don’t spend time or attention on things that are frivolous, negative or just plan stupid. Check out our comprehensive guide to things you shouldn’t be wasting your time on, and see if there’s anything on this guide that you can cut out of your life." . . .

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A Revolution Is Happening In Offices Everywhere: See These Slides for Proof

A Revolution Is Happening In Offices Everywhere: See These Slides for Proof | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it
Our definitive take on the future of work.

Bovee & Thill's Online Business Communication Magazines's insight:

We're quickly approaching the death of the office as we know it. . .

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How to Stop Worrying About What Other People Think of You

How to Stop Worrying About What Other People Think of You | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

If you want to be your best and perform at a high level, fear of people’s opinions may be holding you back.

"Think about a time when you were extremely anxious — say, before standing up to publicly speak, raising your hand in a big meeting, or even walking through a room of strangers. The reason you felt small and scared and tense is you were worried about social disapproval."

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10 Productivity Lies We Tell Ourselves That Are Holding Us Back

10 Productivity Lies We Tell Ourselves That Are Holding Us Back | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

Be honest: you're not going to finish it later. Here's how to fight that impulse, and other productivity lies we tell ourselves. Here is the 10 worst productivity lies we tell ourselves, according to an expert who's worked with CEOs, doctors, athletes, kids, and a Supreme Court judge.

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The Productivity Guide: My Best Productivity and Time-Management Tips

The Productivity Guide: My Best Productivity and Time-Management Tips | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

"Read this short guide to learn my top productivity strategies, including smart ways to maintain productivity day in and day out."

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Procrastination Isn't a Time Management Problem. It's an Emotional One

Procrastination Isn't a Time Management Problem. It's an Emotional One | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

Procrastination isn't a time management problem. It's an emotional problem — and this is the research-backed solution.

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10 Unexpected Habits of Highly Successful People

10 Unexpected Habits of Highly Successful People | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

Whatever your definition of success (each person’s definition of “success” is and should be different), one thing is true for everyone: Success means getting things done.


Highly successful people are able to get a lot more things done, and here are simple ways you can too.

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Psychologists Reveal One of the Best Ways to Boost Your Mood

Psychologists Reveal One of the Best Ways to Boost Your Mood | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it
It's not what you may think.
Bovee & Thill's Online Business Communication Magazines's insight:


"When we’re having a rough day, many of us tend to treat ourselves to some form of retail therapy, a favorite dessert or going out with friends in hopes of feeling better. 


"But a new study published in the journal Emotion last week suggests that treating ourselves is no more likely to boost our mood than doing nothing."

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14 Life Lessons That Go Against Conventional Wisdom

14 Life Lessons That Go Against Conventional Wisdom | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it
Some uncommon sense.
Bovee & Thill's Online Business Communication Magazines's insight:

"In a recent Quora thread, users responded to the question: What life lessons are counter-intuitive or go against common sense or wisdom?"

"We trawled through the list looking for the best and most surprising advice. Many of these insights have been confirmed by social science."

"Here are the takeaways. " . . .

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7 Unwritten Rules of the Office Your Boss Will Never Tell You

7 Unwritten Rules of the Office Your Boss Will Never Tell You | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it
The employee handbook can't always tell you everything you need to know.
Bovee & Thill's Online Business Communication Magazines's insight:

Here are seven rules you need to pay attention to in order to survive and thrive in the workplace:

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