How VR is changing the Future of Content: | Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality Network |
This past July, members of the eLearning community gathered at 2017 Realities360 Conference to learn from the experiences of pioneers in the creation of AR, VR, and other alternative realities. The tone of the conference and high expectations were set during the opening general session, “How VR Is Changing the Future of Content.” Keynote speaker Maxwell Planck described his own journey that began with animated feature-length films during his 10 years at Pixar. Then, believing that VR was the next great medium for telling stories, he moved on to VR as the technical co-founder of Oculus Story Studio, where they created Lost, Henry, and Dear Angelica, short (10-minute) immersive VR experiences for the Oculus Rift.

Facebook closed Oculus Story Studio in May 2017, ending the first chapter of VR for Planck, and he decided to step back and evaluate where VR fit into storytelling, entertainment, and learning. He found that he came up with some new insights into what content does and does not work in VR.

Via Edumorfosis