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The Three Pillars Of SEO In 2013: Content, Links, And Social Media


A good SEO strategy is the difference between your business easily being found online and getting lost in the noise of thousands of other businesses trying to stand out. With Google’s ever-changing algorithm, it can be difficult to know what’s effective here and now.


In 2013, success in SEO hinges on businesses putting together a robust combination strategy that brings together an integrated web of great content, credible links, and social signals. Each of these pieces supports the other, providing tremendous value to readers, building your authority and brand value, and distributing your content across new channels. Here are the highlights of what to think about in terms of each of the three pillars of great SEO.


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Christine A. Dawson's curator insight, June 2, 2013 11:01 AM

This exceptionally well-written article by Jayson DeMers is one to remember!  It reinforces what we've instinctively known about SEO and reminds us where our focus should be - quality!

Nick Mortel's curator insight, June 21, 2013 8:02 AM

add your insight...

The Social Matrix's comment, July 2, 2013 2:10 PM
It's really helped us with the planning of our new website. Great, concise and complete information. Awesome!

Design Tips Based On Your Website's First Impression [Infographic]


Gain valuable website tips based on an eye tracking study done at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. It's all about where we look on a site.
Ally Greer:

Personally, my first impression of a website determines everything from whether I want to share the content I find there from whether I want to do business with this brand or use their service.

What does your website say in 3 seconds?

Laura Brown's comment, May 31, 2013 10:52 AM
I'm never satisfied with mine. It's always changing.

10 Great Reads on Social Media Strategy


These days, social media is such a critical part of getting your brand out there and staying connected with your customers.
Ally Greer:

Just some light weekend reading.

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Build Community With Purpose


So youve been tasked with building your brands online community strategy. Fantastic! 

Ally Greer:

In this morning's weekly community manager hangout, Scoopiteer and cancer survivor/research advocate Martin Smith joined us to talk about how communities can save the world.

One of the things Marty mentioned that really hit home for me was that if your storytelling is genuine and authentic, you won't have to try and prevent it from sounding too "market-y." How can you do this? Have a purpose. Define it, believe it, and live by it.

Sculpt's comment, May 25, 2013 12:40 AM
Love it (and yes, live it). Thanks for scooping :D
Sculpt's curator insight, May 25, 2013 12:49 AM

An inspiring Community Manager Hangout (#cmgrhangout) Friday afternoon spawned this quick and dirty blog post. WHY does your brand create? Build your community on a foundation of shared purpose, engagement (and action) will come easy. 

60 Mind-Blowing and Tweetable Social Media Stats


Discover 60 of the freshest stats and facts on social media strategy, including Twitter integration for easy sharing!
Ally Greer:

Not only are they great to know, but they also provide some great, shareable content!

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3 Strategies to Measure Your Social Media


Measure social media: learn simple strategies to incorporate into your social media campaigns and see if you’re achieving your objectives.
Ally Greer:

Measuring social media: three words describing one of the scariest yet most important tasks out there.

This post has some cool tips - I especially like the "point system." It's true that likes, comments, and shares each have a different value and should be acknowledged as such. Don't get too carried away with the points though - make sure you're valuing them based upon your unique goals rather than what the "experts" say is right.

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How Social Media Impacts SEO and Site Ranking: infographic


Search engine optimization has not been dependent on a minimal number of factors for a long time now, such as number of times a keyword appeared on a page, and it continues to become a more complex web of on and off-page factors every month. One of the more recent factors that has had an impact on search ranking is social media.

This infographic breaks down ways that social media influences the visibility of your website in search results, including:

  • Social media can help search engines find and index your content faster
  •  Likes, shares, retweets, etc. indicates to search engine that content is new and interesting, often leading to a temporary increase in rankings
  • Your content will increase in search results for people connected to you
  • Increases domain authority and the number of inbound links to your website
Ally Greer:

Here's a great infographic with some key stats on how social sharing can help increase your SEO rankings.

Fun FactWhen you share your content on (or someone else does) it's indexed in search engines as a piece of curated content. 

What does this mean? While links shared on are no-follow links (like any other social network), they have a unique quality - they don't disappear after they're out of the stream. Essentially, your post is indexed as a curated post in addition to the original piece of content being indexed as a page on your site. Plus, you get all of the mentioned benefits of social sharing, like being discovered more easily and proving engagement.

Jayne Courts's comment, May 22, 2013 3:54 AM
Venkatesh - if I am able I give my site as much media support as I can. As a social media trainer I need to 'try out' media before I can teach others to use it and give an insight into which is useful and which is not. So I tend to put my site and what I am doing out on the various social media platforms at least twice a day - I don't over emphasise my site because that can be counter productive (people switch off if all they see from you is self-promotion) and so it is keeping your presence alive but not switching off potential clients by constant ME, ME, ME. I perform both SEO services and social media training for others (see - just a bit of self promotion LOL)
Michelle Gilstrap's curator insight, May 22, 2013 12:18 PM

SEO and Social Media why it works and how it helps your ranking. Excellent infograpic.

Stephanie Smetana's curator insight, July 9, 2013 7:17 PM

This infographic is a great way to depict many of the articles I've previously pointed out that cover SEO and social media. It is almost easier to explain the relationship in an image format, especially for those who don't have a background in SEO.


There are many other factors that go into how much social media truly affects SEO, so there is more to be explained after this. But this is a great introductory image. It also emphasizes the speed with which social media makes an impact.

Using markup for organization logos


Ally Greer:

Insert this code to your site to tell Google which image to display as your logo in search results.

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Do Facebook's coming video ads run the risk of 'MySpacing' the world's most popular social network?


Facebook's coming video ads will be disruptive, interrupt people, and run the risk of Facebook becoming the very social network it supplanted, according to at least one online advertising executive...
Ally Greer:

Video ads on Facebook could be a huge deal for the platform and a great way for them to make money. As the article points out, now that FB is a publicly traded company, their decisions can't only be based upon their users and the user experience. They now have to think about racking up profits and increasing revenue as much as humanly possible.

It's pretty possible that the video ad spots will be reserved for the biggest (read: richest) companies and that this will hardly be an opportunity for small business marketers to sieze. 

Even still, if it catches on, I don't doubt that Facebook will add more than one video ad to the streams in the coming years. As much as I hate (/love) to say it, I think FB might have reached the point where being "Myspaced," also known as "dying" simply will never happen.

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Email Marketing: One Trick will Boost Engagement


Is your email marketing campaign tanking? No one biting your hand off to sign up for your incredible offers? Read on for one trick to boost engagement.
Ally Greer:

You'll never guess what it is.

JK, it's the same thing we're always saying.

But actually do it this time.

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The Future Of SEO in a Socially Driven World


If SEO is dead, social media will be, too, in another five years.


In today’s search world, there’s a lot of talk about how social is “taking over,” how “content is king,” and how search engine optimization is “dead” – with search updates like Penguin and Panda hitting the final nails on the coffin. Sounds very dramatic, doesn’t it?

Yes, social is more significant than ever. But, it is too early to draw any conclusions about the death of SEO based on the patterns that we’re seeing. If anything, what we’re seeing today are the after effects of a healthy transition.

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Ally Greer:

A long but extremely worthy read by Mani Karthik

I happen to agree that we need to stop saying that SEO is dead. It isn't dead; it's simply evolving in ways that we never could have imagined a few short years ago.

It's going to be critical for all us - well, you - SEO people (and us wannabes) to pay attention to the updates like the ones coming up for Penguin and Panda and how they're going to affect which pages get higher rankings, because frankly this is not going to go away. Just beacuse loading pages with keywords and links won't do the trick anymore doesn't mean SEO is dead; like Mani points out, the way people consume and share information is changing and that's what is leading to the need for new SEO strategies.

Kaye Blum's curator insight, May 19, 2013 8:27 AM

More on the impact of Social Media on SEO

ibs's comment, May 30, 2013 8:21 AM
amazing stuff!!
Media Street Apps's comment, May 30, 2013 9:17 AM
It is

16 ways to use Pinterest for PR


It's not just social media's newest darling. It could be the public relations industry's, too.
Ally Greer:

Are you using Pinterest as an integral part of your social and PR strategies?

Maricarmen Husson's curator insight, May 14, 2013 4:53 PM

How to use Pinterest for PR

and what about public relations?

Google and Your Site’s Future


Matt Cutts shares Google's upcoming plans, including Panda, Penguin, value of links and more
Ally Greer:

Some announcements from Google's Matt Cutts on the upcoming changes to Google and how it can help you and your business.

The good news is that the trend of favoring quality content is stronger than ever.

The even better news comes in the form of authority sites. Google is going to be working on coming up with tools to favor people who are running sites that are an authority on some topic - whatever field it may be in. 

"The take-away: If you aren’t already providing a lot of high quality content in your area of expertise, now is the time to start."

I'm not going to say that this is a sign for everyone to get curating, but it's totally a sign for everyone to get curating.

Hara Partners's comment, May 14, 2013 5:15 PM
Google will be giving more importance to authoritative websites in their main niche.
alice joan's comment, May 15, 2013 9:28 AM
thanks for sharing
Whiteboxsynths's comment, May 15, 2013 1:18 PM
I like to think I'm a purveyor of quality but I hope those geeks with Google Glasses in Silicon valley agree with me or I'm a Yahoo.

Pinterest Adds Mobile Mentions and Notifications


Pinterest has announced an improvement to its suite of mobile apps that includes notifications, mentions, easier search, sending pins and more.
Ally Greer:

Mentions are kind of a huge deal. Mentioning someone on a social platform is yet another way to get their attention. When sharing content "via" someone else, mentioning them lets them know that you found their content valuable and shared it, and this usually leads to them thanking you and in turn starting a conversation and potentially a relationship.

Any way to get someone else's attention on social media is useful these days, so take advantage of this great new feature.

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Show your enthusiasm by curating engaging content and your customers will show theirs.


Curate Content Like You Mean It!: A Guide to Engaging Content Curation

Lydia Gracia's comment, May 30, 2013 3:26 AM
Great idea James!
Helen Bryant's comment, June 12, 2013 2:48 PM
Sorry Laura - I missed your comment! I think the key is knowing why you are doing it, curating for curating sake I think can lead to disappointment. As we are early on in the use of the technology and curator adoption. Playing a longer game to achieve your purpose, building your voice, finding your tribe I think takes time...thus I do not have any great expectations from which to lose my enthusiasm! My main challenge is finding the time to do it - hence I missed my first opportunity to have a discussion about it!! Thanks for replying.
Laura Brown's comment, June 13, 2013 1:24 AM
I've been a content curator of one kind or another since the days I was working for the Open Directory Project in 1998. Having your passion and liking what you are doing is not enough for the every day grind at times. In some ways it is easier if you are working alone but that also has it's hurdles. I have a tendency to keep taking on too much. Even when I know I am feeling over whelmed or under inspired I will still find some little project. My first instinct is to try something new. (Especially a project someone else has had to give up on). Anyway, it is not so easy to keep going. I think it helps to lighten up on your schedule and give yourself a better balance of online/ work time and offline/ personal time.

64 Google+ Content Strategies | Copyblogger


Google+ isn’t only a social network. It’s the very backbone (and future) of Google itself. As Brian Clark wrote yesterday, authorship and the possible effects on the Google algorithm have the potential to be extremely beneficial to savvy content creators. If you’re a writer, this is either going to be very good for your career, or you’ll risk becoming relatively invisible online.


If you’d like to land solidly in the former camp of writers, the question becomes one of how to use Google+ to further your own goals. With that in mind, I’ve put together an infographic for you that outlines 64 strategies that every writer and content producer can put into action, and start reaping the rewards of intelligently engaging with Google+....

Ken Morrison's curator insight, May 11, 2013 7:56 PM

I need to explore Ripples.  I also learned that if someone adds me to their circle, my content will show higher in their Google searches.  Not Google+ searches, but all relavant Google Searches!!!!!

Jeff Domansky's comment, May 11, 2013 8:06 PM
You're welcome Ken. It was an eye opener and great G+ tips. Glad it was helpful.
Two Pens's curator insight, May 12, 2013 11:08 AM

Infographic is a mess but the article info on G+ is excellent with lots of helpful tips. My fave: use recorded Hangouts to interview people in your field. They will be stored on YouTube and can function as informative posts.

Report: Google+ Users Spent an Average of About 7 Minutes There in March


Google+ is catching up on a lot of fronts to Facebook, but it's still lagging in one key metric: Time spent.The average user spent 6 minutes 47 seconds on Google+ in March vs. 3.3 minutes in February of 2012.

Ally Greer:

This is definitely an interesting stat, considering the fact that Google says Nielson's numbers are "far off" from their internal data on the subject. It's interesting to consider this: Neilson pulled their data from visits to Google has been called out in the past for counting all activtiy on Google+, Gmail, or even as "using Google Plus" because technically when you use Google, a profile is created for you even if you don't actually use the social network. 

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22 Facebook PR Secrets Every Community Manager Should Know


How can a brand rank in authenticity and pull some publicity out of its Facebook Page? With the right mix of art and science. Check out the latest top shelf insights, data, and tips designed for fashion forward thinking Facebook community managers.
Ally Greer:

To be honest, I recently adapted the "forget the experts" outlook for Facebook strategy. I decided that I was going to take three weeks of straight up experimentation and see what I found worked for me, and go from there.

That said, I still had to read this post and see what it said. The one thing I could relate to was increased engagement on weekends - that's absolutely proven. Something I hadn't thought of was the use of emoticons. According to this post, Facebook posts that use emoticons see 52% more engagement. I'm not so sure about that, but it's interesting because lots of "professional" brands try to stay away from using symbols, etc.

Have a look, get some inspiration, but when it comes down to it, experiment on your own and figure out what works for you.

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5 Things You Must Do Before Jumping Into Paid Internet Advertising


Paid advertising is a great way to guide more traffic to your site, but it can become expensive. How do you make sure you are getting the most out of your paid ads?
Ally Greer:

Paid online advertising is not something that you can just "jump" into. There are tons of things to know about it so that you don't end up spending millions of dollars a day.

Most importantly,

-learn the difference between "head" and "long tail" keywords.

-understand your analytics and check them daily (read: hourly).

-include a call to action.

-A/B test.

Marty Koenig's comment, May 8, 2013 6:52 PM
Right on, Ally. Great advice.

26 Social Media Marketing Tips from the Pros | Social Media Examiner


Social media marketing tips: Learn how calls to action, content strategy, email/social integration and goals play a part in your social media efforts.
Ally Greer:

These are some seriously awesome tips.

While it's somewhat of a long read, it's well worth the time. 

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Facebook: The SEO Value of Likes, Shares, Comments


What is the best type of action in order to maximise your Page Reach? Facebook assigns different weight to different actions based on user behaviour. (#Facebook: Likes vs. Shares vs.
Ally Greer:

According to this post:

1 Facebook comment = 7 likes

1 Facebook share = 2 comments, 14 likes.

I'm not sure where these numbers come from, but there is a compelling case for the fact that comments and shares are much more valuable than likes. 

When it comes down to it, always go for the shares. This means that your audience found your content worth of sharing with their audience.

Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, May 6, 2013 9:55 PM

Great post on what brings the HEAT from Facebook. Adjust your FMarketing accordingly. BTW, helps SEO too.

Social Media in 2013: User Demographics For Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest And Instagram


How are social media demographics in 2013 distributed? Here is a breakdown of all relevant data from the latest research:
Ally Greer:

Leo Widrich of Bufferapp compiled a bunch of social media usage stats, so we didn't have to.

Krysta Gahagen's comment, May 6, 2013 6:35 PM
"So, who is the average Facebook user? According to the research, it’s a young, 25 year-old woman, living in a big city, with a college degree and a household income of more than $75k a year." Looks like I have a year to get to over $75k...
Krysta Gahagen's comment, May 6, 2013 6:36 PM
Or... if we're counting my roommates, as well as mine, I just have to give it 8 months and I'll be totally average.

12 Essential Social Media Cheat Sheets


Cheat sheets give you a rundown of various features for a given item. Here are some of the best social media cheat sheets .
sylectra's curator insight, May 5, 2013 9:06 PM

These are more like keyboard shortcuts than like features and benefits to be used when advising clients. However, you can learn how to prevent sharing of a Google+ post (although I can't see many scenarios where that would be needed if you're a business with a Google+ presence).

9 Things You Will Quickly Need to Learn to Run a Successful Blog


You will quickly need to learn these things to run a successful blog.
Ally Greer:

Quick and easy.

Write. Write a lot. Write how you speak. Write for others. Write about stuff you know. Keep writing.

The end.

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How Social Media Impacts Your Search Rankings #SEO


NBC Chicago (blog)
How Social Media Impacts Your Search Rankings
NBC Chicago (blog)
Even though we cannot easily measure direct effects of posting on social media to your overall website ranking everything is moving toward social signals.
Ally Greer:

My favorite thing from this post is the advice from Krista Neher, CEO of Boot Camp Digital"Don't write boring content."

How many times have we heard this? As a content-focused marketer and the curator of #leancontent, I've probably given and/or quoted this advice upwards of 8 million times.

Something Krista stressed, though, is that this advice goes for any content at all. This doesn't only apply to writing blogposts, infographics, and videos - it also applies to Tweets, Facebook posts, and literally anything you're putting out onto the web.

Lately, I've been spending just an extra minute or two on Tweets and Facebook posts to make sure that they're interesting and not just "Title | Link | What do you think?"

Anything you broadcast online is public. Don't forget it.

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